| Télécharger Avant Browser Navigateur Avant Force - 4.33MB (Freeware)
Avant Browser est une application autonome conçue pour élargir fonctionnalités offertes par Internet Explorer. Il ajoute un tas de caractéristiques et de fonctionnalités de IE et ...
| Télécharger Avira scout Avira GmbH - 4.57MB (Freeware)
Avira Scout is fast and secure Chromium-based browser, which provides a wide array of options that protect your system, and gives you a more secure environment for browsing the ...
| Télécharger Baidu Spark navigateur Baidu - 45.96MB (Freeware)
Baidu Spark Browser is based on Chromium, the same engine which runs Google Chrome. Although Baidu Spark Browser has a standard design, it does have some nice features such as c ...
| Télécharger Biométrique d'empreintes digitales Productive Computing - 26.52MB (Essai de commerce)
Biometric Fingerprint Reader is a plug-in that allows for fast identification and secure verification capabilities which enable FileMaker ...
| Télécharger foudre Blisk Team - 49.82MB (Freeware)Blisk is a Chromium-based browser with essential tools for web development. Use it for simultaneous building and testing both desktop and mobile v ...
| Télécharger Brave Browser 32-bit Brave Software Inc. - 1.25MB (Open Source)
The new Brave browser automatically blocks ads and trackers, making it faster and safer than your current browser. It's amazing how fast ...
| Télécharger cacaoweb Cacaoweb - 504KB (Open Source)
Cacaoweb is a free application and communication platform that enables you to store, access and search through your data. With Cacaoweb you can also communicate with your friends ...
| Télécharger ChillGlobal ChillGlobal - 20KB (Essai de commerce)
ChillGlobal is a small plugin for your web browser* that lets you browse the Internet without any geographical restrictions. It was created by a team of Swedish German digital te ...
| Télécharger Chrome The Chromium Team - 124.65MB (Open Source)
| Télécharger Citrio Citrio - 710KB (Freeware)
Citrio est une nouvelle génération, un navigateur Web rapide et efficace, développé par Catalina Group Ltd Citrio est à base de chrome, ce qui signifie qu'il a tiré ses fonctionn ...