| Télécharger Code :: Blocks Code::Blocks - 86.15MB (Open Source)
Code::Blocks for Mac is a free C, C++ and Fortran IDE that has a custom build system and optional Make support. The application has been designed to be very extensible and ...
| Télécharger CodeBlocks Arduino IDE Stanley Huang - 35.62MB (Open Source)
CodeBlocks Arduino IDE is a customized app for Arduino development. The app provides you with numerous features including code foldering, code completion, code navigation and com ...
| Télécharger Code de Lobster PHP Edition CodeLobster Software - 48.36MB (Open Source)
CodeLobster PHP Edition is a free portable handy and easy-in-use code editor that is primarily intended for quick and easy creation and editing of PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript file ...
| Télécharger ConEmu conemumaximus - 2.70Mb (Open Source)
ConEmu (ConEmu-Maximus5) is an advanced console window or local terminal emulator, if you prefer. The app allows you to run two different types of applications; "console" such as ...
| Télécharger Kdtest UVViewSoft - 10.26MB (Open Source)
CudaText is a cross-platform text editor that provides an array of plugins to support features such as code snippets, color picker, and macros. The app even comes with a simple ...
| Télécharger Data Access Components pour MySQL Devart - 23.43MB (Essai de commerce)
MyDAC est une bibliothèque de composants améliorée pour un accès direct rapide à MySQL à partir de Delphi, C + + Builder et Lazare, en charge Windows, Mac OS X, iOS, Android, Lin ...
| Télécharger DAX studio Dax Studio Development Team - 3.27MB (Open Source)
DAX Studio is a superb tool to develop and troubleshoot DAX calculations, as it gives you a way to visualize tables as they are internally represented during the computation. D ...
| Télécharger Data Generator dbForge pour SQL Server Devart - 23.50MB (Essai de commerce)
dbForge Data Generator for SQL Server is a powerful tool for quickly
generating meaningful test data. It includes 180+ predefined generators with configurable options, which al ...
| Télécharger dbForge Profiler événement pour SQL Server Devart - 22.17MB (Open Source)
dbForge Event Profiler for SQL Server is a useful tool for capturing, analyzing and saving SQL Server events.
The tool provides convenient GUI to SQL Trace for insp ...
| Télécharger dbForge Studio for MySQL Devart - 38.35MB (Essai de commerce)
dbForge Studio for MySQL, est le MySQL et MariaDB GUI outil universel pour la gestion de base de données, l'administration et le développement.
Avec l'aide de ce client M ...