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다운로드 EZTalks

다운로드 EZTalks


날짜: 2018/07/27 By CUMeeting Inc (프리웨어 - Freeware)
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기술 - Description
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기술 - Description (Translated by Google, click to view text) -

다운로드 EZTalks

EZTalks is a powerful video conferencing app that has a fresh looking user interface, which enables you to communicate with others. The app is well designed and can be used for online education, online training, online meetings, online webinars and online presentations.

In addition to the standard free version of EZTalks, the developers also offer a server version for any enterprise or organization to deploy on their own network.

Key Features Include:

  • Start or schedule a meeting: Just click one button to set up a meeting with EZTalks Windows App. .
  • Invite attendees for your meeting: invite anyone you want for the meeting, like friends, colleagues, customers or students via Email invitations.
  • Face to face with HD video & audio: Support 16 HD video conference streams and HD VOIP voice.
  • Screen sharing: There are three ways to share your screen; share desktop, share application or share region.
  • Content sharing: You can share almost all kinds of common files such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF and Text.
  • Collaboration tools: Such as whiteboard, remote control, private or public chat and annotation & drawing tools.

The downside is the free version of the app does have a limitation; you can only conference less than three attendees simultaneously, apart from that EZTalks is a useful app to have.

기술의 - Technical
File size:
Windows (All Versions)
여러 언어 - Multiple languagesezTalks
프리웨어 - Freeware
Date added:
CUMeeting Inc

최신 업데이트

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