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다운로드 아이스크림 암호 관리자

다운로드 아이스크림 암호 관리자

Icecream Password Manager 1.16

날짜: 2017/09/08 By icecream apps (프리웨어 - Freeware)
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다운로드 아이스크림 암호 관리자

Icecream Password Manager is a free app that can manage your passwords, credit cards, identities, software licenses, secure notes, driver licenses, passports, bank account and FTP accounts.

The app is able to securely protect your data with AES-256 leading encryption, so there is absolutely no need to worry about the privacy of the created items. You only need to remember a single master password to access all the saved in Icecream Password Manager's profiles and items.

You can enable synchronization of the vaults created with this password manager via Dropbox to keep the working progress of the program on all the connected devices. The app also supports the creation of multiple vaults for separate users.

The app also has an Autolock feature that can be set within a certain period of time. This action cleans the clipboard automatically within a user defined set period of time, thereby protecting your sensitive information automatically.

The auto backup feature is great for creating automatic backups and can be manually configured in the Settings panel of the interface.

Icecream Password Manager also supports browser plugins that allow you to gain instant access to all the stored data right from your selected browser. It also comes with a handy password generator that can be used for creating new logins and profiles. This, along with an automatic form filler (you can both fill or fill and submit forms) of the browser plugins will help to fast login online.

기술의 - Technical
Icecream Password Manager 1.16
File size:
Windows (All Versions)
여러 언어 - Multiple languagesIcecream Password Manager 1.16
프리웨어 - Freeware
Date added:
icecream apps

최신 업데이트

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2019/05/13 - Firefox 67.0 Beta 19 32-bit
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