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다운로드 창 Tangler

다운로드 창 Tangler

WindowTangler 1.1

날짜: 2015/07/22 By Solid Eight Studios (프리웨어 - Freeware)
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기술 - Description (Translated by Google, click to view text) -

다운로드 창 Tangler

WindowTangler is a powerful, free utility for organizing and controlling groups of windows on your desktop. It allows you to set up hot keys or timers to hide or show different types of windows, freeing up precious desktop space and removing distractions from your daily workflow.

Key features include:

  • Specify groups of windows based on your own personal use.
  • Create custom hot keys to show or hide those groups of windows instantly.
  • Create timers to instantly show or hide your groups of windows during busy hours.
  • Create global hot keys to control system-wide events.
  • Access everything from a simple, intuitive tray menu.

WindowTangler works by looking at the title of desktop windows and grouping them accordingly, and you can always add applications to these groups. You can apply hot keys to enable and disable specific groups of windows,and you can set global keys for larger operation too. WindowTangler also allows you to set visibility timers to open groups at specific times. Overall, WindowTangler sits nicely in your system tray, allowing quick access to the features through menus or hot keys. It is unobtrusive, lightweight and ultimately gives you more control over your desktop.

기술의 - Technical
WindowTangler 1.1
File size:
Windows (All Versions)
여러 언어 - Multiple languagesWindowTangler 1.1
프리웨어 - Freeware
Date added:
Solid Eight Studios

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