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다운로드 현명한 포스 Deleter가

다운로드 현명한 포스 Deleter가

Wise Force Deleter 1.48

날짜: 2018/12/17 By Wise Cleaner (프리웨어 - Freeware)
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기술 - Description
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기술 - Description (Translated by Google, click to view text) -

다운로드 현명한 포스 Deleter가

Wise Force Deleter allows you to delete any file in your Windows system, even if they are used by other apps or access to them is denied without administrator privileges.

Windows has been designed to prevent you from deleting any file that is being used by a current running app, as it could result in a crash. This security feature does come with a downside however; you may not being able to delete any potentially dangerous or unwanted files, because the system views it as not accessible.

This is where Wise Force Deleter comes into play. This dedicated file shredder gives you a safe means to permanently delete a file in Windows, even if it is locked by other apps or has access limitations.

Wise Force Deleter adds a new item in the Windows context menu. This can be used quickly to select the file you wan to erase. This does have a downside however, you can only select one file at a time. You can circumvent this, however, by manually creating lists and schedule files for deletion in the main window of the app.

Overall, Wise Force Deleter is a great app the has a user-friendly interface, which is easy to navigate by users of all levels of expertise.

기술의 - Technical
Wise Force Deleter 1.48
File size:
Windows (All Versions)
여러 언어 - Multiple languagesWise Force Deleter 1.48
프리웨어 - Freeware
Date added:
Wise Cleaner

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