İndir Sihirbazı NET Kütüphanesi
Wizard .NET Library is a set of tool that let developers create custom Aero Wizards. Aero Wizard follows Microsoft guidelines strictly and uses Visual Styles to get visual theming.
Wizard .NET Library has three main controls:
- WizardPageContainer.
- WizardControl.
- StepWizardControl.
The WizardPageContainer lets developers easily create a custom wizard. It manages page creation at design-time and navigation using user defined buttons.
The WizardControl builds upon the container to provide a full Aero Wizard experience. The wizard visual format pulls from the current system theme, resulting in the wizard correctly morphing on each OS.*
Finally, the StepWizardControl extends the WizardControl to include a step list, which indicates current position through the flow.
*With XP, it provides an old, pre-Aero, look and feel. With Vista, Win7 and Win8, it takes on the appearance defined by the OS.