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Ultima versione CloudKey


Data: 2017/01/04 By ClevX (Gratuito - Freeware)
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Ultima versione CloudKey

CloudKey is an easy-to-use cloud backup* for your portable storage devices. Numerous types of devices are supported, including Flash drives, HDD/SSD, etc. You no longer have to worry about losing your data on-the-go, just plug in your drive and the CloudKey application will back it up silently to yourcloud service of choice.

Using a security application such as CloudKey, makes it easy to back up USB drives and other portable to your particular cloud-storage service. After the initial installation on your USB drive, CloudKey will then run automatically each time you plug your drive into an Internet-connected computer, keeping a backup of your portable drive in a folder on your preferred cloud storage service. When you add a new item to your USB drive and your computer is connected to the Internet, CloudKey will then automatically sync the file to that folder.

CloudKey is a great backup tool if you need to ensure the data on your portable storage media is safe. It is relatively lightweight, utilizes an easy to view interface and has number of neat tricks such as having the ability to exclude specific files and folders from automated backups.

Dropbox, Box, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft OneDrive and Google Drive are all supported by CloudKey.

*CloudKey is a subscription service that is specific to each device you use.

Tecnico - Technical
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Windows (All Versions)
Più lingue - Multiple languagesCloudKey
Gratuito - Freeware
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