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Free Download WeChat for Windows

WeChat for Windows Beta

Data: 2018/03/01 By Tencent, Inc. (Gratuito - Freeware)
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Free Download WeChat for Windows

WeChat for Windows is a popular free messaging tool, available on mobile and now Windows Desktop PCs. This Windows version allows you to chat and share files just like you can on the mobile versions.

Once downloaded, your PC will generate a QR Code for you to log in via your mobile device. Please note, you will only be asked to scan the QR code on your first successful login per desktop. You will only need to verify your login through your device thereafter or until the device has been unlinked. Download WeChat Offline Installer Setup for PC!

So what are you waiting for? Download WeChat offline installer for PC and start chatting away. Also available in Traditional and Simplified Chinese.

WeChat Features:

File Sharing
Instantly share your images and documents with other WeChatters straight from your computer. Your friends can receive files whether they’re on their mobile device or tuned in via the desktop program.

Screenshot Tool
Sometimes it’s easier to explain something with a screenshot, whether it’s for work, school or fun. Screenshot Tool allows you to capture and send an image of your screen with visual call-outs, using additional shapes and texts.

Group Chat Mentions
The group chat mention feature makes it easy to grab someone’s attention when so much is going on. When you mention someone in a group chat, that user will receive a special notification so s/he won’t miss your message.

Message Recall
We know that typos aren’t limited to the smartphone, so we’ve enabled the Message Recall feature on PC application as well. Please note that only the most recent message sent within the last 2 minutes can be unsent.

Other Features
With WeChat for Windows, you can also forward messages and view Sights sent from your contacts. And because your conversations are private, we’ve made sure that the interactions on the desktop version are only preserved on your mobile device. So when you log off your PC you can still view the messages on your phone. Download WeChat Offline Installer Setup for PC!

Note: Requires WeChat mobile app.
Tecnico - Technical
WeChat for Windows Beta
File size:
Windows (All Versions)
Più lingue - Multiple languagesWeChat for Windows Beta
Gratuito - Freeware
Date added:
Tencent, Inc.

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