| 下載 组合修复 sUBs - 5.40MB (免費軟件)
Combofix is designed to scan a computer for known malware, spyware and automatically remove any types of malware that it locates. The app will also allow you to manually r ...
| 下載 科摩多殺毒軟件 Comodo - 5.35MB (免費軟件)
Comodo Antivirus is a solid, reliable array of tools that provides a reassuring level of security for Microsoft Windows based computers.
It provides quality virus pro ...
| 下載 科摩雲殺毒 Comodo - 10.00MB (免費軟件)
Comodo Cloud Antivirus provides top quality, robust protection from malware, virus infection and suspicious hidden files. Because it is cloud-based, it provides reliable protec ...
| 下載 的CWShredder Trend Micro Inc - 520KB (免費軟件)
趨勢科技的CWShredder是首屈一指的工具來查找並刪除CoolWebSearch的痕跡 - 從你的電腦 - 適用範圍廣的陰險的瀏覽器劫持的名字。
的CWShredder移除這些瀏覽器劫持。CoolWebSearch的安裝幾十個書籤 - 主要是色情網站 - 你的桌面上,改變你的主頁不問,並不斷改變它回來,如果你試圖糾正它。此外,它顯著減 ...
| 下載 Cybereason RansomFree Cybereason - 4.00MB (免費軟件)
Cybereason RansomFree provides ransomware protection for computers and servers running Windows PC. Ransomware encrypts files on your PC includin ...
| 下載 EMCO惡意破壞者 EMCO Software - 13.01MB (免費軟件)EMCO Malware Destroyer is a free antivirus software that helps you to organize personal antivirus protection of your Windows PC and perform regula ...
| 下載 Emsisoft反惡意軟件 Emsi Software - 301.38MB (試商用)
< ...
| 下載 NOD32 ESET - 50.49MB (試商用)
ESET NOD32防病毒軟件是最有效的保護,你可以找到抵禦當今最龐大的互聯網和電子郵件威脅的卷。它提供全面的防病毒和反間諜保護,而不影響您的計算機的性能。
採用先進的ThreatSense®技術,ESET NOD32防病毒主動抵禦新的攻擊,甚至在關鍵的第一時間,當其他廠商的產品不知道攻擊的存在。ESET NOD32防病毒檢測和禁用已知 ...
| 下載 ESET Smart Security的 ESET - 94.83MB (試商用)
ESET Smart Security的是一個安全套裝為您的PC,包括以下解決方案:防病毒,防間諜軟件,防Rootkit,防垃圾郵件,防盜竊,防火牆,家長控制,以及Web和電子郵件防護。ESET Smart Security的行列中病毒,木馬和間諜軟件檢測和刪除的領導者。它非常快速,並且使用較少的系統資源比大多數競爭對手。
ESET ...
| 下載 GMER GMER - 372KB (開源)
GMER is a simple yet powerful
anti-malware tool that thoroughly
scans your system for vulnerabilities
and evidence of Rootkit activity. It
has a standard explorer interfa ...