| 下載 。NET Framework的卷 Microsoft Corporation - 23.14MB (免費軟件)
在。NET Framework 1.1版可再發行組件包中包括您需要使用。NET Framework來開發運行的應用程序的一切。
在。NET Framework 1.1版提供了改進的可伸縮性和性能,為移動設備開發的支持與ASP.NET移動控件(以前利用Microsoft Mobile Internet工具包),互聯網協議第6版的支持,以及ADO.NE ...
| 下載 AirDroid Sand Studio / AirDroid - 53.78MB (免費軟件)
AirDroid allows you to access and manage your Android phone or tablet from Windows, Mac or the Web, wirelessly, for free. Transfer files ...
| 下載 ATI CATALYST Vista中,Win7的,win8的32位 ATI Technologies Inc - 216.02MB (免費軟件)
AMD公司屢獲殊榮的催化劑圖形和高清視頻配置軟件提供了前所未有的控制性能和視覺質量與AMD Radeon圖形處理器。AMD催化劑驅動程序提供性能穩定,推動創新的極限了先進的面向用戶的功能。
精密控制的電力用戶。調整為遊戲玩家和視頻愛好者。簡單的嚮導輔助的設置,輕鬆實現多顯示器配置以及超可靠運行工作的專業人員。新用戶或經驗豐富的專家,AMD ...
| 下載 Auslogics驅動程序更新 Auslogics Software Pty Ltd - 12.16MB (試商用)
Auslogics Driver Updater is an advanced driver detection utility that is able to detect any outdated or missing drivers on a computer that runs Microsoft Windows. It provides a ...
| 下載 藍牙驅動程序安裝程序 bluetoothinstaller - 2.06MB (免費軟件)
This small app can install generic Microsoft drivers for your Bluetooth adapter. The app is based on a widely known method of patching the %WinDir%\inf\bth.inf file.The ap ...
| 下載 的DirectX Microsoft Corporation - 95.63MB (免費軟件)
微軟DirectX是一組旨在使基於Windows的計算機成為運行和顯示豐富的多媒體元素,如全彩色圖形,視頻,3D動畫和豐富音頻應用的理想平台技術。的DirectX包括安全和性能更新程序,以及許多涵蓋所有技術的新功能,它可以通過使用DirectX API的應用程序進行訪問。
微軟的Windows遊戲API的最新版本提供了微軟的強大的新的 ...
| 下載 驅動精靈 Avanquest - 15.82MB (試商用)
Driver Genius is a comprehensive application that scans your system for driver problems. It can then download the drivers you require and updates your system accordingly. It can ...
| 下載 駕駛員標識符 Driver Identifier - 4.07MB (試商用)
Driver Identifier software is a relatively lightweight application that has been designed to quickly locate the most current drivers that are specific to your computer system, vi ...
| 下載 驅動人才的網卡 OSToto Co. Ltd - 191.96MB (免費軟件)
Driver Talent for Network Card is an easy to use app that has been designed to help you get the network drivers you need for your system, even if you are offline. It allows you t ...
| 下載 驅動渦輪增壓 DriverTurbo - 248KB (免費軟件)Driver Turbo is a comprehensive driver scanning and updating application that gives you access to over 200,000 device drivers. Driver Turbo can undertake expert scans on your PC ha ...