| 下載 互聯星空,4Shared桌面 4shared - 11.06MB (免費軟件)
與互聯星空,4Shared桌面您輕鬆訪問並在您的互聯星空,4Shared在線存儲賬戶管理文件和文件夾。免費版本提供不低於10GB的空間 - 很多可以備份您的照片,文檔,音樂或任何其他文件。如果你沒有一個帳戶,您可以創建一個,並立即啟動互聯星空,4Shared桌面時第一次使用它。在Windows資源管理器用戶界面非常相似可以很容易地瀏覽您的數據,創建文件夾 ...
| 下載 AnyTrans iMobie Inc. - 1.42MB (試商用)
AnyTrans is an all in one management tool for making the jump from Android to iOS. With it, you can easily migrate much more types of data than using a standard management tool. ...
| 下載 Binfer GlobalSoftLink LLC - 38.79MB (免費軟件)
Binfer is a file transfer application for sending & receiving large files without uploading them on any servers. Binfer allows you to send large files such as HD video, high ...
| 下載 CONNECT2 Lenovo - 6.06MB (免費軟件)
Back in 2012 Lenovo introduced Any Share app for sharing in android devices. Later on the name was changed to SHAREit and a lot of new features are added. Now, Connect2 has bee ...
| 下載 複製處理程序 Jozef Starosczyk - 7.37MB (開源)
Copy Handler is an app which allows you customize the file copy and move functions on your
system. The app is highly customizable and fully integrates with the Windows OS. Copy ...
| 下載 核心的FTP Core FTP - 4.89MB (免費軟件)
核心的FTP LE - 免費的Windows軟件,包括您所需要的客戶端的FTP功能。像SFTP(SSH)的功能,SSL,TLS,國際化域名,瀏覽器集成,站點到站點傳輸,FTP傳輸的簡歷,拖放支持,文件瀏覽和編輯,支持防火牆,自定義命令,FTP URL解析,命令行傳輸,過濾器,和很多很多!
這個免費的,安全的FTP客戶端為您提供了一個快速 ...
| 下載 CouchPotato CouchPotato - 18.26MB (開源)
CouchPotato is a PVR app, which lets you scan USENET and torrent sites for content that you want. The
app automatically searches for the information that is relevant to the vid ...
| 下載 CuteFTP的首頁 GlobalSCAPE - 16.12MB (試商用)
CuteFTP的專業為解決數據管理的複雜挑戰易於使用且功能強大的工具,並有助於實現HIPAA,GLBA和Sarbanes-Oxley法案。 ...
| 下載 Cyberduck的 David V. Kocher - 52.14MB (開源)FTP software is not the most glamorous category, yet CyberDuck manages to make file transfer appealing. With an attractive interface and support for cloud storage, it's head and sh ...
| 下載 做iPhone數據恢復 DoYourData - 17.06MB (試商用)
Do Your Data Recovery for iPhone is a useful application that is capable of recovering lost data from iOS devices, whether that be iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. It is not only an ...