| 下載 Wondershare的免費影片下載 Wondershare Software - 736KB (免費軟件)Wondershare Free YouTube Downloader automatically detects any YouTube videos playing on IE, Firefox or Chrome when you surf the web. To download videos, either click ...
| 下載 Wondershare的視頻轉換終極 Wondershare Software - 967KB (試商用)
Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate is a very capable app for converting video files from one format to another. With it, you are also able to download, watch, transfer, edit ...
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由於其直觀的用戶界面,Wondershare視頻編輯器,可以創建自電影的視頻通過手機,數碼相機或攝像機一個簡單的承諾措施。16:9和4:3 - 啟動程序後,用戶可以在兩個寬高比之間進行選擇。工作區包含一個文件管理器,時間軸和預覽窗格。一旦視頻,圖像和音頻文件都是進口的,它們被移動到時間線進行編輯,其中的選項包括修剪,剪切,分割,旋轉,在設置淡入和輸出, ...
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X Codec Pack (fka XP Codec Pack) is one of the most complete codec packs which helps you to play all major audio and video formats.
Not only is X Codec Pack a rich codec ...
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YouTube Song Downloader is a lightweight app that helps you download audio and video files from YouTube*. It has a standard interface that is easy to use, coupled with an array o ...
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The description of YouTube
Get the official YouTube app for Android phones and tablets. See what the world is watching -- from the hottest music video ... |
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轉換質量:今年允許你轉換5 ...
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為此,變焦播放器採用了圓滑和簡單的用戶界面,加上易於使用的功能,而在同一時間在每一個提供先進的控 ...
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Zortam MP3播放媒體工作室是一個全功能於一身的MP3應用套件。該應用程序有幾個模塊,我們Zortam MP3播放自動標註器,MP3播放組織者,ID3標籤編輯器,MP3播放器,MP3播放規範化器,CD開膛手和MP3到WAV轉換器。
隨著MP3播放Zortam媒體工作室可以批量自動標記使用Zo ...