| 下載 LastPass的對於Windows LastPass - 30.95MB (免費軟件)
LastPass is an award-winning password manager, which saves your passwords and grants you secure access to them from every computer you use. With LastPass, you only need to rememb ...
| 下載 的Nmap Gordon Lyon - 26.25MB (開源)
的Nmap以新穎的方式來確定哪些主機是在網絡上可用,什麼樣的服務(應用程序名稱和版本)這些主機都提供,它們所運行的操作系統(以及OS的版本), ...
| 下載 O&O SafeErase專業 O&O Software - 24.10MB (試商用)O&O SafeErase Professional is a security application that is built specifically to help users delete data in a secure manner from their computer, in order that it may not be re ...
| 下載 Outpost防火牆免費下載 Agnitum Ltd - 16.63MB (免費軟件)
基本防火牆保護 -標準 ...
| 下載 密碼老闆 Password Boss - 241KB (試商用)
Password security is paramount when using online services. Your passwords are the keys to your digital life and need to be guarded strongly. That’s where password management service ...
| 下載 密碼管理器XP CP-Lab - 2.47MB (試商用)
Password Manager XP is a handy little tool that lets you create secure, encrypted databases to store information in. Each database can be given an access password and is encrypte ...
| 下載 記憶密碼 Code:Aero Technologies - 9.04MB (免費軟件)
Today, we all have a long list of websites and apps that require a seemingly endless array of login details and passwords to access them. Keeping track of all of them is a tediou ...
| 下載 密碼安全 Rony Shapiro - 11.73MB (開源)
使用密碼的安全,你可以組織你的密碼使用自己定制的引用 - 例如,用戶ID,類別,網站或位置。您可以選擇存儲在一個單一的加密的主密碼列表(加密的密碼數據庫),所有的密碼,或者使用多個數據庫, ...
| 下載 密碼斯托勒 Softromeda, Inc - 1.96MB (免費軟件)
Password Storer is a password manager designed for those people who both struggle to remember all their different passwords and who at the same time have too many to feasibly r ...
| 下載 PeerBlock Phoenix Labs - 2.26MB (開源)
P ...