| 2019/05/11 下載 Evernote的網頁剪 Evernote Corporation - (免費軟件)
Use the Evernote Web Clipper Chrome extension to save the things you like on the web into your Evernote account. There is now no need to use bookmarks anymore, just use Evernote ...
| 2019/05/11 下載 谷歌日曆 Google - (免費軟件)If you use Google's Chrome browser and you use Google's Calendar then, quite simply, you need to install the free Google Calendar extension for Chrome. With the Google Calendar ext ...
| 2019/05/11 下載 TuneFab Apple Music Converter TuneFab - (共享軟件)
TuneFab Apple Music Converter is a great app. It’s the kind of app that Apple probably wishes didn’t exist. But it does. And that’s great news for everyone. It also scores highly ...
| 2019/05/10 下載 Ghostery的 Ghostery - (免費軟件)
The Ghostery extension for Chrome prevents advertisers, social media, and other online services from collecting and storing your online surfing and shopping habits. Ghoste ...
| 2019/05/10 下載 高級系統終極關懷 IObit - (共享軟件)
的IObit的高級SystemCare 7旗艦版是基於BitDefender病毒防護技術和的IObit反惡意軟件引擎。
高級SystemCare 7旗艦版,採用世界一流的防病毒功能,以及一個成熟的綜合性PC調整的能力。該軟件提供保護,防止 ...
| 2019/05/10 下載 邁克菲實驗室毒刺 McAfee Labs - (免費軟件)
| 2019/05/10 下載 WinUtilities YL Software - (免費軟件)
WinUtili ...
| 2019/05/10 下載 光辉工具 Glarysoft - (免費軟件)
光輝的工具是一款免費的系統清潔劑和助推器的性能為您的Windows PC。易於使用和直觀的界面功能一鍵式功能,並且讓你的每一個一鍵式維護或操作的自定義選擇的選擇很容易,自動選項。
它包含了超過20的系統實用程序,允許您自定義的掃描和功能選項,如註冊表清理軟件,間諜軟件卸妝,啟動管理器和快捷方式定影液,所有這些都將提高計算機的 ...
| 2019/05/10 下載 DVD FAB Fengtao Software Inc. - (共享軟件)
的DVDFab 9是一個DVD /藍光/視頻處理應用。該應用程序允許您將任何DVD /藍光光盤複製到電腦硬盤,然後將其刻錄到空白光盤,或將其轉換為各種視頻文件在任一台計算機,便攜式設備或其他兼容的顯示器上播放。
的DVDFab 9是一個共享軟件集成包,其中包含的DVDFab DVD複製,的DVDFab DVD開膛手,的DVD ...
| 2019/05/10 下載 PrivaZer PrivaZer - (免費軟件)
PrivaZer is a free cleanup utility that helps you master your security over your PC. The app has been designed to permanently and irretrievably erase unwanted traces of yo ...