| 下載 PrivaZer PrivaZer - 24.57MB (免費軟件)
PrivaZer is a free cleanup utility that helps you master your security over your PC. The app has been designed to permanently and irretrievably erase unwanted traces of yo ...
| 下載 註冊表查找器 Sergey Filippov - 4.08MB (免費軟件)
Registry Finder is an improved replacement for the built-in Windows registry editor. It has many features that makes working with registry more productive, comfortable and safe, ...
| 下載 安全文件刪除器 Mathew Limdonholk - 1.91MB (免費軟件)
Secure File Deleter allows you to completely and securely delete selected files from your system.
As you know, when you delete a file or folder it's still possible to rec ...
| 下載 StartupStar Ascora GmbH - 3.86MB (試商用)
StartupStar is able to help you organize apps that are scheduled to run when your system starts. It is able to remove them from the startup list or disable them from running al ...
| 下載 任務欄隱藏 Eusing Software - 874KB (免費軟件)
With Taskbar Hide, from Eusing software, you can hide program windows completely with a hot key, or minimize programs to the System Tray instead of keeping icons in your taskbar. ...
| 下載 ToolbarTerminator Abelssoft - 3.38MB (試商用)Toolbar Terminator is a useful little app that can help you remove unwanted and unnecessary add-ons in no time.Rubbish Toolbars that come with some software are able to take ...
| 下載 Tweak UI的 Microsoft Corporation - 147KB (免費軟件)
Tweak UI的是一個免費的用戶界面定制應用程序。它提供了進行調整,否則將需要編輯註冊表的一個簡單的圖形用戶界面。
Tweak UI的可以讓你自定義Windows操作系統的用戶界面。與舊,較慢的計算機的用戶可以關閉操作系統的秀色可餐,如褪色菜單的許多方面,陰影,和光標的陰影。
Tweak UI的還包括眾多的特性來定制界面 ...
| 下載 Tweaking.com修復的Windows Tweaking LLC. - 36.57MB (免費軟件)
Sometimes you Windows installation can become corrupted due to a poorly installed apps or Malware, which can modify your settings resulting in your system becoming unstable and u ...
| 下載 終極視窗調教 The Windows Club - 678KB (免費軟件)Ultimate Windows Tweaker is a free Windows customization tool that gives you access to useful system tweaks, not just ones purely designed for aesthetics.As the application ...
| 下載 解鎖 Unlocker - 783KB (免費軟件)
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