| 下載 圖像分析儀 Michael Vinther - 2.73MB (免費軟件)
Image Analyzer is an advanced image editing application that is coupled with enhancement and analysis software. Image Analyzer also
contains plugin support to help you enhance ...
| 下載 圖片調諧器免費 GloryLogic - 2.75MB (免費軟件)
Resizing images, especially lots of them, can be a laborious exercise! Wouldn’t it be great if someone created an app that can make the job easier? GloryLogic have come up with ...
| 下載 想像 Chun Sejin - 829KB (免費軟件)
Imagine is an image viewing application that has support for numerous different file formats, including JPG, BMP, PNG and GIF. Imagine's user interface features simplistic elemen ...
| 下載 Inkscape中 Inkscape - 63.65MB (開源)
在Inkscape是一個開源的矢量圖形編輯器類似的Adobe Illustrator,Corel繪圖,手繪,或XARA十,什麼套Inkscape中與眾不同的是它的使用可伸縮矢量圖形(SVG),一個開放的基於XML的W3C標準,作為原生格式。
與此相反的光柵(位圖)圖形編輯器,如Photoshop或Gimp,Inkscape中存儲在矢量格式 ...
| 下載 IrfanView的 Irfan Skiljan - 1.81MB (免費軟件)
幻燈片(幻燈片保存為EXE / SCR或將其刻錄到CD ...
| 下載 CAD自由报 LibreCAD Org - 26.58MB (開源)
LibreCAD is a fully comprehensive, open source, 2D CAD application. It is available in more than 20 languages and is also cross platform for all major
operating systems, includ ...
| 下載 MagicaVoxel ephtracy - 1.96MB (免費軟件)
MagicaVoxel is a free, lightweight 8-bit voxel editor and interactive path tracing renderer. With it you can create and edit models. It comes with a rendering engine and provid ...
| 下載 地圖校準器 GPSTuner - 971KB (免費軟件)
通過定義一些已知點校準自己的地圖 ...
| 下載 微軟圖像合成編輯器 Microsoft Research - 2.17MB (免費軟件)
先進設備,最先進的拼接引 ...
| 下載 Microsoft照片故事 Microsoft - 5.03MB (免費軟件)
Microsoft Photo Story lets you create slideshows using your digital photos very easily. The application is basic but it will allow you to undertake simple editing techniques such ...