| 下載 微軟全球望遠鏡 Microsoft - 93.72MB (免費軟件)
Microsoft WorldWide Telescope (WWT) is a virtual telescope application that enables
you to explore the universe from the comfort of your computer.You can experience narr ...
| 下載 移動造物主圖集 MOBAC - 12.59MB (開源)
目標平台是GPS手持機(Garmin公司,麥哲倫等)和手機應用程序,如TrekBuddy,AndNav和其他Android,iPhone和Windows Mobile的應用程序。作為源離線地圖冊MOBAC可以使用大量不同的在 ...
| 下載 Paint Shop Pro的 Corel Corporation - 318.33MB (試商用)
Paint Shop Pro的照片X2具有您需要創建令人驚嘆的照片的一切。集成學習中心和精選的一鍵式照片修復工具,可以很容易地更正常見的照片瑕疵,如紅眼,色彩和清晰度。獨特的化妝工具,讓你美白牙齒,去除瑕疵和畫上一個棕褐色,這樣可以讓大家看看他們的最佳打印前或在網上張貼照片。
隨著你的技能和信心的增長,您可以利用專業品質的功能,如HDR照 ...
| 下載 Paint.NET Rick Brewster - 7.52MB (免費軟件)
一般只會找到昂貴或複雜的專業軟件,層形成的基礎,豐富的構圖經驗。你 ...
| 下載 PaintTool SAI Systemax - 2.36MB (試商用)
PaintTool SAI is a lightweight, yet high quality painting application that has stacks of features. The application has full digitizer support, including pressure sensitive functi ...
| 下載 完美的365 ArcSoft Inc. - 17.88MB (試商用)
Perfect365 is a photo makeup refinement application that lets you touch-up, makeup, and enhance facial images. The application has some good tools for enhancing skin color, eyebr ...
| 下載 照片!編輯 Pho.to - 7.78MB (免費軟件)
修復紅眼:該修復紅眼工具,可以讓你輕鬆地從你的圖像消除紅眼。您可以自動修復您的照片或編輯在手動模式下 ...
| 下載 PhotoBulk Eltima Software - 2.38MB (免費軟件)
PhotoBulk is an easy-to-use bulk image editor that lets you add text/image watermark, resize, and optimize hundreds and thousands of images or photos in just one click.
I ...
| 下載 PhotoDirector CyberLink - 1.12MB (試商用)
PhotoDirector is a complete suite for all your photography needs. The application includes photo management and
advanced adjustment & creative editing tools. PhotoDi ...
| 下載 PhotoFiltre Antonio Da Cruz - 5.31MB (免費軟件)
PhotoFiltre is an image manipulation and retouching app. With it you can accomplish simple or advanced adjustments
and also apply a vast range of filters.PhotoFiltre has ...